A website full of unlawful bastards flipping the middle one. You get to rate these flipped birds from 1 to 10.. enjoy.
Jerry and Elaine: Ohhhhh, that's great.
Elaine: Terrific.
Jerry: Yeah, I really think you guys are good together.
Elaine: Yes, she understands you and she is not demanding.
Kramer: Do you think that I forgot what you two said about her?
Jerry: I was just trying to be supportive, you know. I knew you were upset.
Kramer: From now on when we pass each other in the hall, I don't know you, you
don't know me.
Elaine: Oh, Kramer, we didn't mean it.
Jerry: Kramer? What did we say that's so bad?Elaine: I believe I referred to her personality as a potential science exhibit.
Jerry: I said, "How come no one's killed her?" Probably shouldn't have said anything