I laughed....give it a chance
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I would like to cruise the internet on my telephone.
kinda want a droid.. but also want a AT&T phone that can handle Mobile TV
I dont care about youtube in all honesty
the end of this month I will no longer have my old phone number or my old phone.
I need to make the choice kinda quick.
any advice... any help?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Atlantic City Racetrack/Course LIVE RACING DATES 2010

honestly... its awesome..scan them old posts
I laughed
A guy is hiding on his balcony, playing completely out of tune on his old trumpet while a band is marching by his house on the 17th of May – the Norwegian Constitution Day.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Clocky Unclocky
Artist Chris Domino made this cuckoo clock inspired by the horror movie The Shining. Every hour on the hour, Jack Nicholson’s head pokes through the door and says “Here’s Johnny!” Then the Shelly Duval figure screams.
found at Chris Dimino

Sprinkler Head Grass Remover
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"I dont want it to seem like Im s'ing their d" - Brett Kaplan
Brett got a guy from New Grounds to make this poster up for the gaming room he has. Check the NERD PALACE blog for more details
Jersey Shoreyuken.. I laughed

Erin go Bragh-less
I sent that saying to T-shirthell.com in 2000... suck it
I made this song for St. Patricks Day a few years ago.. check it
St Patrick's Day.mp3
I made this song for St. Patricks Day a few years ago.. check it
St Patrick's Day.mp3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Good book for kids?
The description of the book says, for people who feel alone, shy or butt ugly. What the fuck... what kind of message is that to send to kids.
Mom: here daughter, read this book.
Daughter: why?
Mom: cause you're gross.
Book Description
"He proves that beauty is more than three butt hairs deep! Butt Ugly is the new beautiful. If you’ve ever had trouble keeping your three little butt hairs in place, if you’ve ever practiced smiling in front of the mirror, but can’t keep that snaggle-tooth from popping out—this Butt’s for you!"

Daughter: why?
Mom: cause you're gross.
Book Description
"He proves that beauty is more than three butt hairs deep! Butt Ugly is the new beautiful. If you’ve ever had trouble keeping your three little butt hairs in place, if you’ve ever practiced smiling in front of the mirror, but can’t keep that snaggle-tooth from popping out—this Butt’s for you!"
Dead men don't wear plaid
Words Not in The Klingon Dictionary
ngIj - (v) be rowdy, unruly
qaywI' - (n) middle finger
"Worfs about to get all ngIj up in here and flip the qaywI' to losers"
this is a real site??... wordsnotintheklingondictionary

"Worfs about to get all ngIj up in here and flip the qaywI' to losers"
this is a real site??... wordsnotintheklingondictionary
This clock is awesome, you can get it as an app for your iphone for .99$ , but you can also get the real deal...

no numbers... all words. more info here

American Prickers
I fucking hate this show, I hate the two guys even more. They're fucking cheap skate assholes tryna take peoples shit for cheap. They both think they're cool dudes when in reality they're fucking scumbags. They think what they're doing other people think is awesome and interesting. Paying shit prices for expensive antiques... real cool... rip off more old people

Man vs Food
I think he kinda looks like a heavier Fred Savage. I enjoy the show a lot, but the host can be really annoying sometimes. thank you brett for the heads up on this show.
The boston episode is depressing and disturbing.
The Challenge: Eat a 12-pound burger, which includes 5 pounds of hamburger, 2 pounds of bacon and cheese, 5 pounds of fries, and a giant pickle.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pitboss 2000 - Yankees Suck.mp3

This song was supposed to be for a new pitboss style spin off band.. when I heard this track I was so souped, not cause I love baseball... just cause it was good. Then pitboss came out with the Foodster demo 04'... sucked so hard. This song was on that demo though and it was o so good.
Original RUSH HOUR
First let me start by saying, Shawn Gorman loves this movie a lot... so much infact he wanted to use a sample from the movie for a Repercussion song. I've never seen this movie all the way through due to its suck factor. I do remember from the commercials Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan fighting and doing a sweet hand grab double kick.
Well I was watching Police Academy 3 and Michael Winslow and Brian Tochi pretty much are the original Rush Hour team
they have almost the same fight sequence... but without Jackie Chans nutzo crazo moves. I mean look, they even do the same exact buddy kick.
fuck rush hour for stealing them 1986 moves.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Duke Nukem Build
I was such a nerd.. I used ken silveramn's build program to build levels.
it was such a pain to use, so a friend of mine bought this book and let me borrow it.
even the book was a pain buttocks. I got basic things I wanted from it like doors and sprite codes. Other than that, I taught myself the rest by looking at already made duke levels.

The Postman
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