Tuesday, May 25, 2010
sorry I havent posted in awhile... I just moved to a townhouse in galloway, and still getting settled in. I dont have a direct connection to the internet and the wifi bites the big one... once we get things figured out.. I will be posting more on a regular basis. sorry.
song rules
bumble bee tuna
work related
Ok this post is about this past weekend (May 22nd to May 23rd). It started when I got the wedding invite from Brett and Heather.
It came in a sealed box with a passport, and RSVP card inside
in the passport was a little story about Brett and Heather and the itinerary for the entire weekend,

I got my ticket late and ended up paying 600$ for a round trip. It was worth it though. I was on the same plane as Art, Adriana, Justin and his dad. On the plane I sat next to Justin, and he explained to me why he uses twitter.
and some how it made sense. While we were waiting to take off, a rad male next to us looks across the isle to another rad male and says "Vegas baby...vegas", immediately Justin twittered that phrase. Instead of him tweeting about himself, and his cool phrases, he tweets other peoples lame phrases that they think are boss. So I think with the knowledge he gave me, I might be a twitter member soon. I have not flown since I was maybe 8 years old, so when we hit turbulence, or banked to the left to hard, I would turn to Justin and say "Is this normal?"... so he made fun of me for being a nervous fellow. So we land, and as soon as I walk off the plane I see this
hellz. We get our bags and wait in a long line for a cab. I split a cab with Justin and his dad cause Art and Adriana were going somewhere else first. So we get to the hotel to check in. They asked for a credit card to make sure damages would be covered, they didnt charge it, they just wanted it in case something happened. Well my credit card got D-NI-DUH. It got all worked out though thanks to Justin's dad. Went up to the room to get settled in before dinner at Battista's hole in the wall. Room and the view were cray-zon.

I roomed with Chris Born so it wasn't a bad stay cause I knew the person I was with. We all met up down in the lobby to head out to chomp at Battista's and just walked over there. It was about a 1 block walk but in New Jersey terms would be 2 ocean city blocks. While we were walking I saw these tags

We read a review about Battistas before we left that we thought was pretty funny:
If you want moldy pasta, dog food meat sauce, stale bread and wine that tastes like antifreeze, try this place. Dinner for three was over $100 and we couldn't gag down the food. We had to go out for pizza afterword's. This place might have been palatable when the rat pack was still alive, but it should have been torn down with the other old hotels. Don't waste your money.
This guy was wrong though, I actually enjoyed the food. Garlic bread was yam yam in my tum tomb. There was this little old italian guy walking around playing the acordian, he asked where we were from, we said New Jersey and he started singing New York New York, whatever, he was funny and it was entertaining. The time was about 11 and I was super tired, cause of the 3 hour difference. So I walked to the hotel and went to sleep. They all went out and saw Dave Navarro and Ron Jeremy at some bar and got pictures with them...jealous...
Next morning was brunch at the Bellagio. The food was really good. I would put it up there with the Borgata Buffet, but a little better. I drew this while we were finishing eating
ew gross. Brett and Heather had errands to do and get ready for the wedding so they split. Chris, Art and myself went to this place called the Gun Store to kill sometime and shoot some targets.
the place was gnarly.
They both did this deal where you can shoot 3 guns for 100$ and you get to shoot a Shotgun, MP5, and FAL. They had a World War 2 deal too, where you can shoot a Tompson, MP40 and a Colt handgun..that is so righteous. Heres videos of them shooting the FAL.
When art was shooting, he missed the enemy in the target, but hit the paper. When the guy pulled the target up he said:
"Theres good news and bad news. The bad news is, you missed the target. The good news is you scared the hell out of him." I only had enough to shoot a 44mag hand gun they called "The Dirty Harry". Heres my skillz yo

My gun jammed so they gave my another 6 rounds for free. Thats right... I shot is dong. We all took pics with the last gun they shot.

It was a lot of fun. Chris and I were trying to think of something to do before we had to get ready for the wedding. We saw this vegas map and it said "Atomic Testing Museum", we thought hey, this might be cool and its only 2 blocks away (4 ocean city blocks). So we head over there and as we're walking we see this casino
We got inside the Museum and pay 12$ to get in.
The first 5 mins you think "wow, this is some interesting information, 923 A-bombs were tested in the nevada desert...thats a lot"... then you realize its the same info over and over again. It was not that enjoyable.. I did take a picture of a rebellious picture
We went back and got ready for the wedding. On the way back they have all these dirt zines in these dirt bins
Otally Nude bro... Otally.... Went back to the hotel and got ready. I had a peach color suit on. I dont have a picture of me in it though. We all got into a bus and headed down to The Chapel. Justin wanted to try to eat the 6lb burrito at the Nascar Cafe, but we never got a chance to. As we're driving to the Chapel we pass it, and he got sassy.
As we're pulling up we pass the Pawn Store were they shoot Pawn Stars. Brett and Heather were running late, so we waited for about 15 mins, and thought, hey lets just go down to see if anyone from the show is working... as soon as we get into the store Art calls and says "get back here, you gotta run, they're here". Justin took this picture before we started hauling rear end.
We got in there, sat down and they came in 5 mins after we did. It was really nice, they both looked really formal, and really happy. Everything seems normal, they're holding hands, the preacher is talking to them.. then all of a sudden... elvis comes out and starts singing.
he had trubs... but other than elvis being a meth head...the wedding was really nice, Im really happy for both of them, they both really deserve each other. We went to an indian restaurant after, and chomped on some vegan/vegetarian yums. I really enjoyed everything. Bretts wedding cake was a Q*bert arcade
I wasnt able to get a shot of Heathers cake, cause I didnt know there was another one till we started eating it. But her cake was more traditional and really designed well. The maid of honor and the best man gave their speaches
it was really nice. At this time it was around 11pm vegas time. We all get handed these fortune cookies with a fortune that said "Heavy balls are in your future". So we all head back to the bus thinking we're heading back to the Hotel. Instead we drive 30mins to the Red Rock Casino. Some people were really angry, and just confused what was going on. I was super tired but wasnt going to be a prick and be all sad sassy and lame. So we pull up and the driver opened the door and yelled out to an employee " is this where we go for bowling?" I thought to my self... I hate bowling but Im going to do it anyway. We walk in and we have our own 4 lanes with a huge projector showing old 90s and 80s music videos.
I seriously had a really good time bowling and just the atmosphere was enjoyable. I had a lot of fun and Im so happy I didnt baby out and be a jerk. We got back onto the bus and headed back to the hotel. Chris had a flight at 4am and I think we got back to the hotel at around 1 or 2am. Monday I woke up at 7, and just laid around the hotel watching Steve Wilcos... I wanted to make sure I wouldnt be late for my flight at 2:30 so I went to the airport super early at around 8:40 AM. I really regret that, I wish I woulda saw everyone before I left and said thank you face to face, and had breakfast with them. But instead I went to the airport.. and ate Moes... and sat for 5 hours waiting for my flight
on the way home we were flying into a storm so I took a picture... TUR-BU-LANCE
it was an amazing time... vegas baby.... vegas..... Thank you again Brett and Heather, Thank you to your Familys and Congratulations on your life together!!

If you want moldy pasta, dog food meat sauce, stale bread and wine that tastes like antifreeze, try this place. Dinner for three was over $100 and we couldn't gag down the food. We had to go out for pizza afterword's. This place might have been palatable when the rat pack was still alive, but it should have been torn down with the other old hotels. Don't waste your money.
This guy was wrong though, I actually enjoyed the food. Garlic bread was yam yam in my tum tomb. There was this little old italian guy walking around playing the acordian, he asked where we were from, we said New Jersey and he started singing New York New York, whatever, he was funny and it was entertaining. The time was about 11 and I was super tired, cause of the 3 hour difference. So I walked to the hotel and went to sleep. They all went out and saw Dave Navarro and Ron Jeremy at some bar and got pictures with them...jealous...
Next morning was brunch at the Bellagio. The food was really good. I would put it up there with the Borgata Buffet, but a little better. I drew this while we were finishing eating

When art was shooting, he missed the enemy in the target, but hit the paper. When the guy pulled the target up he said:
"Theres good news and bad news. The bad news is, you missed the target. The good news is you scared the hell out of him." I only had enough to shoot a 44mag hand gun they called "The Dirty Harry". Heres my skillz yo

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Creep Lenses
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