Friday, December 8, 2017

We Went On A Cruise [More Updates Later Just Pics]

Stories About all the pics soon... probably not.. but who even looks at this this anymore anyway

Cow-a-bunker... get it?

Was at work and started seeing all these hoof prints all over the greens and in bunkers
I told my boss that someone was riding a space horse course to course (dumb). He came out and said that the prints werent from a horse but a giant deer. So two days later I see this on the cart path
Thats no deer dookie. We started hearing reports that there was a cow running around that escaped from a rodeo. I was sad cause I didnt get to see it and thought I never would. Until this happened.
He just ran away after I approached him. Hes still on the loose, hope he survives the winter out there!

I make Melissas lunch/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Zen

I try to make her napkin wacky doodle dandy

8th Street Vulture Festive Occasion

Eating a dead raccoon in the road, waiting for me to drive off.

Downtown Trashecon

Was walking down New Jersey Ave in Absecon the other day. Theres this closed convenient store and they had this in the window.
Someone built this thinking it was a brilliant idea to hold their lolly stock.
To be honest Im not sure why it grosses me out so much. The shit paint job and all the sporadic holes just anger me but also give me an uncomfortable feeling.
Bad ideas

Trashed Food

I was talking to Borna awhile ago and I suggested an art project idea. Call it Trashed Food. Buy very expensive and inexpensive meals. Throw them on the ground or in a toilet. List the price and everything that came with the meal.
yea he said it was a terrible idea too.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

RIP Stokoe

The Beast of Lansdale, a great man. Harry Kats wall will never come down

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pic by Melissa

Pit Barrel Ribs

 They came out perfect

loud proud and punk

thank you to Shawn Gorman for the picture. 1999 or 2000?

Gilbert Gottfried in Hammonton NJ

Pretty cool venue to be honest. Its called the Kathedral and its located in Hammonton NJ.
They gutted a church and turned it into a really nice place to see a show. The sound system was really good. First time seeing Gilbert.
I was very entertained and enjoyed it but didnt laugh out loud hard or anything. I went up to him after the show and said "What no Georgie Jessel impression?" he laughed and we took this picture.
After that he signed my book and started doing the Georgie Jessel impression. I told him it made my night.
If you get a chance, see him but you'll only be able to see him once because from what Im told, its the same bit, nothing changes. Thank you to Melissa for an amazing birthday gift

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hoppin' Halapenos (Yelp Review)

Turds on the menu? Had to investigate. First I'd like to say, excellent name to draw a laugh and curiosity. I asked one of the cooks what a turd was and they filled me in. Jalapeño stuffed with seasoned cream cheese wrapped in bacon. I'm not all about this bacon craze that bacon needs to be on everything but with a name like that, I had to try.  These turds were delicious. Bacon was crisp, jalapeños were the perfect texture of soft and slightly firm, cream cheese was what topped it off. $6 for five or six Turds and chips is an excellent deal. I will be returning.