Voice recorder from Cooper, awesome gift, for recording songs or ideas. USB built in, seriously rules.
I never saw the movie Fat Camp before, but it was on TV and I caught about 10 mins of it. The one kid is on the phone and hes wearing a Fire Marshall Bill shirt. I was telling Spencer about it, how the shirt was so ridiculus and he fucking got me a Fire Marshall Bill Shirt. Awesome gift
Thank you to Shannon Dorsey for the Madballs bat, I cant find any information about it anywhere. Seriously blew my mind, really righteous gift.
The Madballs bat is from 2010 licensed by KELLY TOYS. They made a Bat and a Hockey stick with a SOFT puck and SOFT madball, that is stitched like the bat.
Jeremy, thanks for the heads up!
Have you still got the bat ill buy it??
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