Not gonna lie, when I started watching season 9 I picked her as one of my top hopefuls. After watching... I really fucking hate her... a lot. As a chef and as a person, she is fucking trash. I hope Paul destroys this piece of crizap. I don't hate her because she's overweight, I hate her because her personality and integrity are straight dog shit. I see people on other sites saying she's fat and thats why they hate her. That's not a reason for anyone to hate anyone. People will say " its about the food not her personality " but im Not impressed with her cooking, everything has been safe. People try new things and get kicked, she plays it safe and coasts. Look at Hung, he was a prick but i wasnt pissed when he made it, Sarah is truly a waste. Ok kill myself for caring...
Thank you!!!
I hated her so much... I would get so violent yelling at the TV... nothing to do with her being fat, she was a nasty nasty BITCH!! So rude and up her on ass! and by NO MEANS a chef that should have been in the final 2... to some up i thought she was a complete CUNT!!!
i hate her as well my god she is a devil i can't stand her and i hope she looses the final she doesn't deserve a penny i think she should be ashamed of her self. what a fat pig she is and with a big ego sorry sarah you fatso pig lady the ego doesn't look good at all on you cause first you are ugly all over go to hell !
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