Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Sharon Van Etten [Preordered]

5/8     Northampton, MA - Iron Horse Music Hall
5/9Hudson, NY - Helsinki Hudson
5/10Providence, RI - Columbus Theatre
5/11Hamden, CT - Ballroom at the Outer Space
5/25Brussels, Belgium - Botanique Grand Salon - Nuits Botanique
5/28Paris, France - Café de la Danse
5/30Barcelona, Spain - Primavera Sound
6/1Koln, Germany - Studio 672
6/2Berlin, Germany - Privatclub
6/3Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Bitterzoet
6/5London, UK - KOKO
6/11Boston, MA - The Sinclair
6/12Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall of Williamsburg (Northside Festival)
6/13New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
6/14New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
6/17Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
6/18Philadelphia, PA - Union Transfer
6/19Millvale, PA - Mr. Small's
6/20Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom
6/21Nashville, TN - Exit In
6/24Denver, CO - Bluebird Theater
6/25Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge
6/28 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey Theatre
6/29San Francisco, CA - The Independent
6/30San Francisco, CA - The Independent
7/2Portland, OR - Doug Fir
7/3Portland, OR - Doug Fir
7/5George, WA - Sasquatch Festival
7/6Vancouver, BC - Rickshaw Theatre
7/8Calgary, AB - Republik
7/9Edmonton, AB - Starlite Room
7/14Fargo, ND - Aquarium
7/16Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue
7/17Madison, WI - University of Wisconsin (FREE)
7/18Chicago, IL - Pitchfork Music Festival
8/15-17 Wales, UK - Green Man Festival

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mac DeMarco


Case Step

We lost the step when we hit a tree stump during the Sandy clean up. We havent had a step for about a year. We decided to design one using scrap metal.
old fairway bedknives
works perfect.

Geocaching [Accidental find]

Walking my dog and saw this thing in the tree.
I thought it was some GPS cache game and it was. Was gonna take it but decided against it after reading the letter inside
I took a picture of Kimmi Gibbler and a picture of Atlantic City. I know the rules of take something leave something.
There was a dog bone in there, so I gave it to Kimmi and left a fish eye lens for a smartphone. Thats all I had on me. I know the next person who finds it is really gonna be excited
I wrote my blog address and wrote that I left the fish eye lens. Kinda cool but I dont think I'll be participating in the cache game.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Movie Idea

[quick write]
a young girl
walking home
deer in the road
she looks at the deer
there is beauty
deer is hit by a car
deer slides off the road into the woods
she watches it as it dies
guy gets out of his car screaming about his car
her parents are divorced
dad was a taxidermist only because his wifes father didnt want his daughter in the family trade
father stops after divorce
her dying grandfather wanting the family trade to live on
girl close with grandfather asks to be taught
he explains that girls should have pride in being repulsed
reluctant he teaches
being taught taxidermy
starting with mice, chickens, squirrels, foxes
she finds dead animals [mostly roadkill], never kills
quick learn, disgusted in the trade but never shows her grandfather
mother explains the history and the reason of taxidermy
beauty of nature, turning dead animals into beautifully loved objects
she understands and here pride for the art grows
missing people posters and news reports
walking home
she looks at the dead deer on the side of the road
it was in a different position
she didnt think anything of it
she imagined the work that would have to be done for something that big
she asks to be taught larger animals
grandfather explains how they're harder to find and have to be fresh with in 8 hours of death
people at school start bullying her
calling her a freak, weirdo
she tries to explain why
she starts to feel uncomfortable again
breeding season
october through early january
walking home in icy snow storm mid day
december 20
she walks up on another accident
two women standing outside of the car
packed with gifts
one crying one on the phone talking to her husband
Screaming " it wasnt my would have went off the road... ok fine ::Hangs up:: he wanted me to swerve"
the deer is right off the road
she starts running home
calls her grandfather and lets him know
he picks her up and they head out to the scene
cars being towed off
deer is gone
grandfather says" that happens, a fresh kill is also a meal for some people"
" but this was my chance, it was so perfect"
" we have till january, theres still time, theres still time"
walks home everyday
one day no deer
day two
deer is on the side of the road
she walks over to it
giant cut along its stomach
shes excited and confused
starts running towards home
about 2 miles down the road
another deer on the side of the road
giant cut along its stomach too
:side plot:
serial killer called the Deer Hunter
to get rid of the bodies he chops up arms legs torso and head
places them in the bodies of dead deer or multiple dead deer
the deer carcass rots in the woods or on the side of the road with the human remains in them
people hiking or driving by see the dead deer but think nothing of it

just an idea so far

Need Help [Point 4 Theater PICS]

Looking for images of the Point Four Theater in Somers Point, also known as Frank Theaters Somer Point 4 or Hoyts Somers Point Cinema 4. I saw Terminator 2 and Army of Darkness at this theater. There was a huge mural on the front of Star Wars characters and other famous characters of the 70s and 80s. I searched but had no luck at all. If someone as any pictures, I would be interested in posting them or seeing them. Thank you.

Ten Acres Cafe Baseball Field [Absecon]

Back in the early 90s there was a giant maintained field behind a restaurant called Ten Acres. Hidden in the corner was this small "sandlot" style baseball field. We tried to play there but it just wasnt as fun as playing on normal fields.
I walked back there the other day and saw the sign and the telephone poles but the field was completely over grown. Found some pictures of the old sign and shirt
[10 acres images from]


Bush Icicles


olives down

Snow Drift Jump

Snow Dog

"Buy our book, we're not crazy"

cleaning at work, found this book called " Life Extension: A practical scientific approach ". Authors looking hellacious and drugged.
found this video from 1979 of one of the authors on Tom Snyder

Vice Magazine [Advertisement]
