Saturday, October 31, 2020


(Disclaimer The New Blogger Setup SUCKS so images are not in order)
My nephew moved to Maine at the start of September. Melissa and I drove up 8 hours to visit for the week.
It seems like a big thing in Maine is red hot dogs and maple milk. I tried them both and they were subpar at best. A lot of cool closed down businesses around where we were staying.
Melissa, Andrew and myself hiked up this trail. 
The trail was wet and slippery and pretty intense for what we were expecting
My beautiful wife Melissa walked this slippery trail in CROCS!
This is a face of achievement
More stores in Maine
Bone Dumper
My nephew and I saw this abandoned house while driving to the scenic trail and decided to explore it.
The floor was rotten and the place smelled
VHS collection in the corner. I searched through and decided against taking one. Now of course I regret that I didnt.
This is the front window.
It was a lot of fun. Porno mags galore all over the place, I didnt take a picture because I was with my nephew, felt kinda weird taking porn pics of porn pics. This is the lake we were staying on. Wilson Lake
Salt and Pepper and Sugar Too had the best sandwich I've ever had. I think its called a Banh Mi
Crusty Bread stuffed with roasted pork, beef, spicy coleslaw, kimchi, blue cheese and cilantro. So complex but everything worked together so well. check their website. Small menu but everything is delicious. This new blog format is so difficult to use I wasnt able to post everything I wanted. I hope you all enjoy!

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