Sunday, March 29, 2020

This Can't Be Yogurt aka The Country's Best Yogurt aka Not Dairy Queen

So my wife and I went to Wildwood before the COVID boom and we walked on the boardwalk. There were few stores open, one being this little ice cream emporium. Their special was a platter of deep fried candies. Sad to say, wife denied that idea pretty quick. I mean heres what you'd get in the platter.
3 Fried Oreos
1 Fried Reese's
1 Fried Twix
1 Fried Cookie Dough

So I understand and agree with her but still... I WANTED IT! ::News flash:: I got the cookie dough, it was extremely rich and sweet. Instant regret but still ate them all in a two day period. While we were sitting in there I noticed their soft serve machine was a TCBY product. TCBY Treats is when they switched in the mid 90s to serving ice cream and not just "healthy frozen yogurt"
In the late 80s there was this health craze. People wanted things that were healthy but seemed bad. There were a lot of products but TCBY and some others stand out to me. Snackwells came out in the early 90s with their "Devils Food" and Reduced Fat cookies.

But TCBY was the big one. I mean Seinfeld even did an episode about it.
I remember there was a store in my area and I wanted to go because of the commercials. When we went it was so packed we left and went to Dairy Queen. I understand the desire, their slogan was "All the pleasure. none of the guilt". People really struggling probably loved this place. Never got a chance to eat there but I remember the desire and the craze around it. Here are some screen grabs from the commercials.

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