A lot of stern staff .. a lot. Will, Teddy, Jason Kaplan, Tracey Milman (Ya douche), High Pitch Eric, Scott The Engineer, Shuli, Ronnie, JD, Rachel Fine, Richie Wilson, Sal, Richard, John Hein, Jim Florentine, Sour Shoes and Maddog Mattern. Medicated Pete wasnt on stage
stand-up of Florentine and Maddog werent that bad. Shuli wasnt bad, had a few funny things but not as funny as the others. They kept saying it was a train wreck but it was so smooth, everyone knew what to do and played off each other well. I didnt see any faults except for the fucking waste of life Brian Phelan walking on stage and being useless.
I met Medicated Pete.. thats about it...he didnt smell