I thought the levitating pasta and fork were a clear sign
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
Sub-urban Rebels
Every logo I make is so Jenny-Eric if you know what I mean say.but I do love this a lot
Killtime Flyer (Numbskulls)
This show was fun because we got to play with the Devotchkas. Joel spilled his 40oz on the PA and destroyed it. Both singers had to sing out of our guitar players Amp. We got a really good response, I’ve posted pictures on here before. here’s Joel and I before dumping the booze.
It was wild. Everyone at the show was out for Joel (singer who spilled the 40oz). He was hiding in the alley, when Brett (guitar player who’s amp they sang out of) and I were leaving he ran out, jumped on top of the guitar cab and just yelled go. Brett was so mad that joel was laying on his amp, he slammed on the brakes in front of the venue. I remember joel saying “just fucking go” and Brett told him to get the fuck off his shit, joel was acting like a prick because he was scared, Brett was pissed because Joel was careless. Both legit reasons to be sassy with each other. This had to be 2000 I believe. Joel and I
youthful men
Friday, October 11, 2024
Say-tonic Spew-key
I set this up in the woods to spook the neighborhood let’s see if the geeks of the street don’t destroy its spookiness
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Hellowein stuff
it’s the spookiest of seasons besides all demons extra spooky scary nightmare satanic day, now that’s the spookiest. I bought weak lame masks and combined them in to one. Took a picture With the flash on, it looks so lame.
But damn, flash off
ultra Uber scary haunty screamy crun-chew-eesey