Thursday, November 15, 2018

9-9-2018 part 2 (pictures were too big for the post?)

second grade halloween costumes
her brother gave her away and the his song for her is van morrisons browned eyed girl
dessert table was yowsers too

I wrote this for Melissa before we got married

There are things people do that make a difference in your life. For me it's the weird cute things Melissa does. When we're on the phone and she's says byyeee or when she sees a pug and holds her fist to her mouth shaking it and breathing really fast or says a joke that I can't stop laughing. It's also the things that build me up and make me feel loved. When I'm at my lowest and she grabs my shoulders and says "we're going to get through this together" or when I was in the hospital scared I might have hepatitis (over reaction) and I thought I might have given it to her, she said immediately "then we'll have it together". Her love is powerful and moving, I feel undeserving of it sometimes. When I come home see her beautiful face and she's just happy to see me. When she knew I was stressed she asked if I wanted to pray for the strength to get through. She is my strength as well as my best friend and I couldn't see my life or future without her. I remember staying at her apartment for the weekend during a snowstorm. We had such a great time together, digging out a truck at 2:00am digging out each other's cars, making a chicken Stromboli and just being with each other. When I was packing up to leave my stomach and chest hurt because I didn't want to leave her. The real truth is she has made me a better outgoing person and built me up to believe in myself. I feel lucky to be marrying Melissa, I'm ready for the rest of our lives together and I'm happy I'm doing it with you.

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