We met Joel and his girlfriend Kate at the Berlin Market.
She bought us all waters, was seriously awesome to hang out and talk with. Her Seinfeld trivia is a little weak but I think we could have a pretty good trivia game.
No one was really looking for anything, they just kept walking without looking at tables. Its funny I still keep an eye out for certain things. This is a 1975 711 Jaws Cup and I thought it was pretty cool.
The guy said he didnt want to sell it cause it was dirty but I didnt really care, $2, so what. For some reason Im also into 1990s late 1980s advertising. Why? I dont know!
I dont know why I bought these, I got three for under $5 and gave one to Joel. As I was walking away I saw this Worf pin. Now like I've said before, Im not a Star Trek fan but Worf interests me. Its an enamel pin from 1990.
I love it. We drove back, I dropped Brooke off, Joel, Kate and I met up later. We were driving around and Kate said "Lets break into an abandoned building". We were right near the abandoned Atlantic Electric and I've always wanted to check it out. We went over there and just walked around outside.
Joel was freaking out so we ended up leaving pretty quick before we found a way in. We did find a sweet place to advertise though
it was a pretty gnar time. Heres what the inside looks like